Worship Matters: Interview with Bob Kauflin
Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin has received a Choice Resource Award from NLW International. Congratulations to Bob and the great folks at Sovereign Grace Music! Dwayne Moore had a conversation with Bob for discussing several important topics for pastors and worship leaders. Enjoy!
Interview Questions include…
1. What prompted you to write Worship Matters?
2. How did you hope it would impact and help churches and leaders?
3. What are some positive trends you see happening among worship ministries and churches today?
4. Conversely, what are some things that concern you about worship trends today?
5. Some of the most practical aspects of Worship Matters are the “healthy tensions” you cover. Explain what you mean by healthy tensions, and why is it important for leaders to
recognize and prepare for those?
6. Tell us about your latest book, True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God? What can people experience and learn if they read it?
7. How can people connect with you and your books and music?
Go here to purchase Worship Matters
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