Update from Africa

Greetings friends!
Thank you for your continued prayers for our 2019 Africa Mission. It’s hard to put into a few words what the Lord has brought together for this incredible mission effort.
As I write I am sitting in a mission house in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It’s early on Friday morning. The rest of the team hasn’t gotten up yet, but they will soon. We have a very full day ahead for us as we move from Bulawayo to the Shalom Retreat Center. Shalom is about an hour outside of Bulawayo in an area called Matopos. It’s a popular tourist area, especially for international hunters.
We have close to 40 on our NLW missions team for this event. The team is made up of quality leaders we have trained over the past several years. They have traveled from South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Kenya and the US to help us organize and lead our Intensive School and Vacation Bible Schools.
Yesterday our VBS team went to a landfill called Ngozi Mine. We got to share Jesus with close to 150 children. Those kids literally live in the dump. Their small houses are nothing more than lean-tos made of scraps from the landfill. Yet, Jesus loves them and knows their names. What an awesome thought! So grateful we had the privilege to meet and work with them. Our VBS team will work in two more villages out in Matopos over the next 5 days. Prayers appreciated!
Please also pray for the many worship leaders and pastors who are traveling now to come to our Intensive School. We have church leaders coming from Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, the US and South Africa. What a week we are in for as we learn theology, leadership, and musical skills!
We will try to send more updates as we can. The area we are traveling to for the school has very little internet or cell phone signal, so can’t promise but we will do our best to keep you informed.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. We still need to raise about $1500 to meet our financial needs for this trip. Please consider a financial gift. It is very expensive to feed, house and train so many leaders, but we know our God has initiated this ministry and will continue to provide for us through partners like you.
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