
Devotionals, Bible studies, leadership books


Small group studies, church-wide studies, children's church materials, sermon outlines

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Small group studies, church-wide studies, children's church materials, sermon outlines

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Download and enjoy these PDF e-books for FREE! Simply submit a brief form for each, and your downloads should begin automatically.

  • “A must-have that we HIGHLY recommend…” Russ Hutto, The Worship Community
  • “Please read this book slowly. Soak in its wisdom.” Brandon Cox, (from the Foreword)
  • “This book abounds with practical approaches and astute insights.” Jeanelle Reider, author
  • “Jam-packed with resources and teaching tools from quite an array of professionals…” Jolie Ozbun, All about Worship

This workbook is designed for pastors, worship leaders, elders, small group and other church leaders, as well as business leaders and professionals.

Is there an idea planted deep inside you that you just can’t quite shake? Vision is powerful because it can motivate a team toward great success and effectiveness. There are at least two major stages to every worthwhile vision. We will help you work through both stages in this workbook.

Excerpts from this book:

“What does a holy and loving God do to remedy the complete annihilation of humans? He makes them holy as he is holy…The disappointments in this life in and of themselves do not make sense…But Christ on a cross, suffering for my sake, for all our sakes makes it all make sense.”

“As we learn from the story of Lazarus, we can roll the stone, but only God can raise the dead!”