Fully graded curriculum!

We now have a FULL children’s choir curriculum based on Pure Praise!

  • 5 years worth of training from pre-K through 5th grade!
  • 160 weekly lessons in total!
  • Teaches Scripture and music skills
  • Progresses kids through 5 areas of development: facts, foundation, faith, follow, and fruit
  • Sets children on a course of life-long, lifestyle worship
  • Based on Pure Praise, our best-selling Bible study on worship
  • Easy for teachers to prepare and teach each week
  • Includes PowerPoint slides, song and activity suggestions, and instructional videos for teachers
  • All you need to do is fill in the songs you want to teach and feature with your kids

5 Levels to Build Biblical Character and Musical Competency!


32 weekly lessons (2 full semesters) for pre-K through Kindergarten ages


32 weekly lessons (2 full semesters) for First-Second Grades

third-fifth year 1

32 weekly lessons (2 full semesters) for Year 1 of 3rd-5th Grades


32 weekly lessons (2 full semesters) for Year 2 of 3rd-5th Grades


32 weekly lessons (2 full semesters) for Year 3 of 3rd-5th Grades

Introduction Video from the Authors!

Purchase Each level for $129
Purchase all 5 levels for only $499!