Matching Gift Opportunity!

“You have motivated and inspired me greatly to continue to pray and seek my dream for God’s Kingdom through worship. I’m praying for you and your team to continue to build up and make many more worshipers for the glory of our good Father!”
Leanza from Indiana
“We are ministering in rural areas where resources and tools for ministry are very rare to come by. Thank you, NLWI, for giving us access to your training…we love you.”
Pastor Henry from Kenya
We could share many stories of how God is making a difference around the world and how many are coming to faith in Christ because of Next Level Worship. We love what we do, and we are grateful that God has allowed us to be on the front lines and that we are able to see firsthand those that He is transforming both here in the states and around the world. But we cannot do it alone. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
In order to finish the year well and start off 2020 strong we need to raise at least $50,000.00. That is a big number, but we serve a big God! God has provided us a donor who will match dollar for dollar everything we raise between now and the end of November up to $20,000.00!
This means that a gift of $25.00 becomes $50.00! A gift of $100.00 becomes $200.00! A gift of $500.00 becomes $1,000.00! If we can raise $20,000.00 before November 30th, then with the matching gift donation we will have hit $40,000.00. That is 80% of our goal for the end of the year!
Will you give in order to help us take advantage of this matching gift? No amount is too small. Please use one of the below methods to partner with us and donate today!
- Give online at nextlevelworship.com/donate.
- On your mobile phone, text the word NLWI to 206-859-9405 and follow the prompts.
- Mail a check, made out to NLW International, to PO Box 252, Lacey’s Spring, AL 35754 using the tear-away response card below.
- Donate through the National Christian Foundation at nextlevelworship.com/2018/12/ncf.
Remember every dollar you give will be MATCHED by a matching gift of up to $20,000! That means if you give $100 you are really giving $200! Financial gifts are tax-deductible. Our ministry is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization recognized by the IRS. We will send you a receipt of your donation.
Partnering for the Kingdom!
Dwayne Moore
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