Kenya Needs our Help
Last year our NLW International team led worship conferences in two major cities in Kenya. After each conference, we asked the organizers to speak on camera about their experience with Next Level Worship. We were blown away by what they said…
“The conference we hosted with Next Level Worship has turned how we look at worship. It has given us new energy. We believe this partnership will grow and continue to be a great ministry in Kenya.” — Dr. Stephen Anyenda, President, Baptist Convention of Kenya
“I am pleading for the Next Level Worship team to come back again…I believe if we are impacted by what these wonderful people have in their heart, given to them by the Lord, it will change this nation…Through Next Level Worship we had an impartation where heaven kissed earth. And that is what Kenya, specifically in the area of worship, is thirsting for.” — George Masha, Worship Pastor at Ridgeways Baptist Church
(You can watch the video recordings of these men below.)
George Masha leads at one of the largest churches in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Dr. Anyenda pastors one of the largest churches on the coast of Kenya. Both these gentlemen are strong leaders in Kenya and influential with many other pastors and worship leaders in the country. And they’ve both invited us to return to their cities!
What’s most amazing about this is that we didn’t do anything special to get invited. They found us online, downloaded our materials, and then invited us to come to their country and to their churches. That’s it. We were just being faithful to do what we’ve always done, which is to make our discipleship resources available and pass on what the Lord has taught us. God opened all the doors. He dropped these great leaders in our lap, so to speak. Clearly His hand is on us serving in Kenya, and we praise Him for that!
There’s a hunger in Kenya and a tremendous need for biblical discipleship in worship. We are presently coaching three Kenyan leaders online each week. They’re incredibly sharp and humble. They just don’t have access to quality training in Kenya. That’s why every week they faithfully get up at 3:00am their time to attend our classes!
More conferences have been planned for this coming August in Kenya. Many church leaders there are counting on us to return and build on the deep impact the Lord allowed us to make last year. The issue is that we don’t have the money to go. We need $4000 to cover our flights and expenses for the week while we’re there. We need donors to give generously to help us reach our needed goal.
Will You Help Us?
Financial gifts are tax-deductible. I promise we will invest the money you give to build up churches and reach people in Kenya with the Good News of Jesus. Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering a donation to NLW International.

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