by Andrea Krigbaum
Recently, God has been teaching me about grace and mercy. There are days I think, “I don’t deserve to receive His help with a situation because I have made this mess myself.” Some days, I find myself not wanting to pray for His mercy because it seems noble to accept the consequences of poor choices. Even though I am a child of God, guilt and shame still freeze my heart and hopelessness burdens me.
When I was much younger, I used to pray and bargain with God. I would say, “If You will help me with this, God, I will do better.” As a parent, I have learned allowing my daughter to negotiate with me will not teach her anything long-term. God is not impressed with our negotiations; He is impressed with our willingness to admit our need. There is nothing good we can do that He does not assist us with to begin with. So, I am learning to cry out for His Mercy and Grace because discipline and heavy doses of grace propel a heart not to give up. And He always comes through in a way that I know is only Him! In our brokenness, He is our strength, our light, our grace, our mercy.
The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
The Lord is good to everyone.
He showers compassion on all his creation.
All of your works will thank you, Lord,
and your faithful followers will praise you. Psalm 145:8-10, NLT
Thank you, Father, for not giving me what I deserve (mercy) and for giving me what I don’t deserve (grace). I am feeling loved of God today and pray the same is true for all who lay broken at His feet!
Andrea Krigbaum is the Music Minister for Enoree Baptist Church in South Carolina, USA. She participated in our Sponsorship Program earlier this year by sponsoring a worship leader from Botswana. We are so grateful for her participation in the intensive discipleship part of our ministry and for allowing us to use her writings for our devotional this week. Thank you, Andrea!
Refocus Worship Retreat

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