Family Devotional on Worshiping with Other Believers

30 day logo no bgd wsubtitle copy.jpgThis is the fourth devotional of the family devotions series we have posted. Each of these brief, but effective family devotions are taken from the 30 Days of Praise Devotional Journal. 30 Days of Praise is a church-wide emphasis on worship that includes daily devotions, small group Bible studies and messages on worship by your pastor. Go here to learn more!

Feel free to print this devotion and use with your family tonight!

From Week 4 of the 30 Days of Praise Personal Devotional Journal:

Say this week’s memory verse together: Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. – Philippians 2:4 (NKJ)

Say: God’s family is really, really big. There are a lot of people at our church that love Jesus and are in God’s family. But there are even more of God’s family in other churches in our community, in our country and in our world. Everyone in God’s family is different. Some have dark brown skin; some have red or yellow skin; some have beige or light skin. Some have red hair; others have black, blond or brown hair.

Ask: What color is your hair? Point at someone whose hair is a different color than yours.

Say: Not only do people in God’s family look different, we also like
different things. Some like one kind of food but don’t like another.

Ask: What is your favorite food? Now name something you don’t like to eat.

Say: Some people like slow songs. Others like fast songs more. Some like songs they know really well. Others like to learn new songs. Let’s sing a song together now. (Choose a simple and short chorus that everyone should know—perhaps “Jesus Loves Me,” “Sanctuary,” or “Amazing Grace.”)

Say: God loves to hear and see his family worship and praise him
together. And he really loves to see us love and care for each other. That is why we should think of what other people like, rather than only
thinking about what we like. We should respect them and show them we care for what they like to sing and how they prefer to praise. Why?
Because if they know Jesus as their Savior, they are in God’s family too.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, help us put other people before ourselves. Teach us to want to praise you together with our brothers and sisters in your great big wonderful family—the family of God.


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