Episode 9: How to build online church community & small groups; new books on worship (podcast)
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In this week’s episode of The Heart of Worship Podcast we have two special guests with us. In the first half of the podcast, Dwayne interviews Dr. Terry Hadaway, an online specialist at Amazon and also a long-time consultant for churches and businesses on how to connect with people online. Terry shares helpful tips and ways that pastors and worship leaders can build their online presence and community among their congregations.
In the second half of this week’s episode, Dwayne interviews Dudley Harris, an author who has written some powerful resources on worship. These resources can help you, your family and church.
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Full Transcript of This Episode
Hello everyone doing more. And you’re listening to the next level worship podcast. We have a really strong podcast today episode here and we we actually have two guests talking to I. I’m going to interview. Dr Terry Hadaway. Who was a friend of mine? Also someone who is very knowledgeable about online community and how churches can build their online community. So you do not want to miss that segment and then the second. Half of our podcast. Today we have an author named Dudley Harris. Who’s written some really powerful books on worship? It’s going to be a great episode today so be sure you listen from the beginning to end and I promise it’ll be worth your time before we jump in. I WanNa pray for us and just pray over you and pray over our situation right now me pray for his father. Thank you for this time. We praise you for being God for being father. Lord you are Jehovah God Lord Jehovah. Rafa are healer. You’re Jehovah our Banner of victory. Lord you are Jehovah-Jirah our provider. God we thank you that you have presented yourself as the God whose come down to where we are and you care for us to great high and lifted up. God our Lord and we acknowledge you like that but God thank you that you are also our father. Our Father who is in heaven and got today we say how would worthy worshiped is your name in God. We pray for for for our world we pray for the grow the global crisis with this corona virus. We pray for those suffering physically but also those who are worried. Maybe even the listeners. Right now maybe struggling financially struggling worried about their job situation or their family that we pray for them. Pray for your pace to reach down to wherever they are at this moment where they’re walking down the road listening are in their vehicle or in their home. God We pray that you would bring piece of passes understanding into their lives into that personal line for right now and we pray and thank you that you are in storage now. We don’t see that we don’t understand why some things half we know you. Lord are in charge which even in the midst of this difficulty. God bless this help us to learn when we thank you for listening worship leaders as they seek to minister. They’re trickling down this episode. We back a few moments with Terry.
Hello everyone thanks for joining us for the PODCAST One of my ears friends is is here with me Dr Terry had away Terry and and his wife Melinda. We we have been friends with for many years. I don’t know how how long you you didn’t have. Kids and my kids were really young. So it’s been a long time. It’s been that long. Montgomery I when you were in a church. There may go back to the days when Through Scott Dawson Wade met when I was at Sanford try. We even met earlier net in the late eighties. Oh okay let’s not go back to tell us your journey for a few months but let me state tear by listening the purpose of this of this segment of the podcast I’m talking to the guy here. I’ve got the guy that can help us with this. Understanding how to set up online community had a bill online community. I don’t know how in the world we’re going to make this a short conversation but we may have to make this a two parter and bring him back later but but Terry has has some history behind that and I’d like tier if you’d unpack that for a few minutes and tell us a little bit about yourself. Yeah just go to the The quick kind of hot points of spent six years in the navy and then got out and started going to college so I was an adult student before schools. Were doing things For adult students. And so I went the traditional route of school as a married adult raising a family and realized that that was hard and so in the process of doing that guy called me.
00:05:05 – 00:10:05
Ministry so got Green. Religion served churches in a variety of capacities student Ministry of student activities. You know all student ministers always have more than one job and so I had all those multiple jobs right eventually morphed over into adult ministry and that’s when I was in seminary went to southern seminary and got my master’s degree in Christian Education and then my PhD in adult education while a seminary less there went to work for Lifeway as editor in chief of young adult products and began to realize that even back then. This was in the late nineties early. Two thousands I realized that the world educational world and the the way that people receive information was changing and that that just putting things in print putting it in front of people though it worked for a segment of the population. That was a wave coming. That was going to change the way people received information. And so the the the changing tide. concerned me a great deal and so began to look for opportunities through my ministry. Journeys begin to look for opportunities to create more of a blended environment. Let’s not abandoned what we’ve always done but let’s be prepared because one day This this this thing is going to happen and we’re going to be utilizing. Today are utilizing technology to communicate and if we as churches and as religious institutions don’t leverage technology for the most important work in the world Then we’re going to be way way behind and so that was kind of my by thinking as I worked to variety of of ministry positions Ultimately you and I work together At a church in Birmingham and then You you went to Louisville and then ultimately received an opportunity to step out of the full time ministry role after twenty eight years and into a role as director of instructional technology for medical college and so went to the medical college with the idea that my job was teach doctors and dentists How to use technology to teach their students Again one of the challenging environments because most of that technology had been kind of foreign to that world they had taught things primarily face to face And some things in the medical world. He can’t do it without being face to face. I mean you. Can’t you know. Very easily Simulate Surgery You know for the distance you know you have to do things up close and personal but but that wasn’t the way we did that. We began to work through technology issues. Then I had the opportunity To leave the air and I worked as a consultant for audio of of people helping them build their own educational tools and Ultimately landed a job with another healthcare company. That was focused on Again the the idea with them as they are provider of of of healthcare in to the incarcerated population so prisons jails throughout the country. And so we were leveraging remote learning to help train our physicians of behavioral specialist nurses and And dentist who are out in the field training them in proper procedures and regulations compliance all those sorts of things Everything was good. I was rocking road. Everything’s fine then A company you might have heard of energy for this country or not but Amazon called and Amazon wanted made to join the center for operational. Excellence here in Nashville as a learning manager and bring what I know about adult learning to the transportation space and so that’s where I am today Work with Amazon Transportation Associates. Who are I tell people? It’s anything with wheels if it has wheels it’s our department and so we’re we’re responsible for training now listen. Don’t call me if your packages delivered can’t help you there. You know but But we’re training compliance and safety for over eighty wheel drivers and bucks truck drivers and all the things that Amazon’s together to try to keep packages moving and get things to where they are. That’s especially important right now so We’ve had to make some adjustments Though we were a technology company we will work at an office in suddenly. We had to go home. Thank goodness we were already using the technology to communicate remotely and so our work has gone on just as if we’re all in the office because we’ve been using technology for a long time to have meetings and to do the things we do But I never forget Wayne and then we’ll get back to the conversation.
00:10:06 – 00:15:03
I was at the medical college and I remember standing face to face with a professor and basically he told me that he understood perspective on adult learning and at my my perspective on electron learning or or this type of delivery technological learning he said but it will it will never be a necessity it will always be an accessory and I said I I hate to to differ with you but I think that we’ll see the day win. The accessory will become a necessity and I think that I prefer sell this year there. We’re here we are there Interesting I yeah I I believe. We’re talking to some pastors and Worship Leaders. That are listening that are in that situation. Where they’re they’re honestly. The word forced is is a strong word. That’s where we are. We’re we’re we’re we’re forced out of our out of our comfort zone into a world where some of us have never been in. But I’ll tell you there’s comfort in in in numbers a little bit maybe I saw last night on Fox News. I think put where I saw this. That Stephen Colbert was struggling to have an interview with With with the Harry Potter Daniel the The star. He couldn’t hear the audio that okay. It makes me feel better. Those guys are having trouble. Whoopie Goldberg couldn’t couldn’t communicate with Bernie Sanders Online. I thought okay. We’re not the only ones out there that are just stretched beyond what we’re used to. And so bring some comfort Terry not asking you to tell us all the logistics but but is there hope for us as churches to get up in the into the twenty first century here. What do you think yeah? I think there is an number one you and I are talking via. Zoom Zoom has gotten a lot of press lately and Zoom of you can use Google. There are other other things you can do. Amazon has its own service called chime. That can be used as well. So there are lots of options Ma Ma word of advice to people is doing something is better than doing nothing. And so it’s it’s important for you to do something and if that means Very simple you take your phone and record a video message if you don’t have the ability to utilize maybe you don’t have the Internet bandwidth or maybe the your congregation or the people that you serve aren’t really tech savvy. You know a lot of churches that are like bed that have a lot of older people who are a little bit more resistant to jump in. That’s okay they probably have email probably have text messaging Do do a short video just a just a five minute reading. And or or thirty second greeting. Shoot the video. Hold like you’re doing a Selfie. Just shoot a video of yourself saying hey you know. I know these are challenging times. We’re here for you. There’s some there’s you know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and we’re gonNA come out of this but once you to know that we’re here give some context. Information ends it that out to everybody that you have their their phone numbers of their email addresses Just so they feel that personal touch of the conversation shifted conversation shifted from. You know how people are going to stay connected and all that sort of thing now the conversation lightly especially this week. I’ve heard a lot of conversations about mental health and what people are finding. Is that these these These connections people thought they had You know they were supplemented face to face conversations in real real relationships with online relationships and they’re finding those online relationships are a little bit weak and don’t really scratch the itch and so Really you know you you may have you know twenty thousand facebook followers. But you really don’t have twenty thousand France no not at all you know. Those are just twenty thousand. People quite link You know they might. They might like you but they’re not caring for you and so we’ve got to leverage technology We don’t have to have six cameras and we don’t have to have a high definition backgrounds and you don’t have to make it look like we’re at the beach when we’re not at the Beach. We’ll have to have any of that okay. We need to know the people just need to know that you care so so so first of all in framing a shot and just just just delivering a message. It doesn’t have to look that professionals. What you’re saying it just needs to be real and caring. Come across authentic way to some. That’ll be ex. Exactly you know because I think that that’s the people are getting blasted with generic messages. What they’re missing is the personal touch. Come and the other thing. I think that it’s important right now. Especially in this may seem old fashioned and not very technological.
00:15:02 – 00:20:19
No logical but I challenge you if you’re in a ministry position to Make Ten fifteen phone calls a day. Just pick up the phone and call some people That’s not very technological. But we’ve gotten used to Houston our phones for everything but making a phone call and so I think my mother. My Mother’s ninety two to ninety three She’s very tech savvy. Has Her own IPAD? She has an iphone. She still does she. She’s really really active but But there’s nothing more meaningful to my mother than for the phone to ring and for there to be a real person who cares on the other end. Oh I think it’s all how you for. I mean yeah you might have technological limitations but you’ve probably got a phone and to leverage some of this time we’ve got to make some phone calls it that’d be on conversations five ten minutes to check people is all it takes. That’s good man. Yeah a friend of mine of Jon Tyner. Is That olive babs. Church and Pensacola and he. We had him on the podcast last week. And and those of you listening you may recall. He said that he’s he’s he’s going through his choir roll. This this calling everybody can. He’s got a large role so he didn’t know if he’s GonNa get all of them but now that the time has been extended maybe will but I think that’s what you’re saying so so so far what I hear you saying is number one record a message that can be sent out even vicious via email that they can click on a link. And and and maybe maybe what guys we can provide some I’m talking to our staff that maybe listening. Maybe Terry can give us some advice off off recording about the how to make that link happened. Just give you some tips on K. Step one two three. Here’s how you create a link but I love that so number one personal touch to a simple video that can be just come across carrying number to make some phone calls Go back to the old fashioned way that still so so Bible it got number three fours. Yeah number number three. I think that if you’re going to go with its technological world you can utilize zoom and you can have small group. Meetings are small group at our church met west Sunday morning after our Sunday morning service was streamed Then we all jumped over to zoom and we sat around and discussed a cut of where we were encouraging opportunities for us to encourage one another here. What’s going on? We got some friends who have just become grandparents for the first time in some who are about to become grandparents for the first time. And so you get to hear about their families and then we listen. Tom Praying with an for each other via zone where we could actually be in each other’s homes for a short time. The meeting was probably a thirty forty five minutes. It was Shirley less than an hour. It was very short. zoom is easy to use and you can you can use them free of charge without all the bells and whistles you can actually just go to zoom dot us. I’m not getting paid zoom or anything. I’m just telling you probably already know zoom dot. Us If you’ve got a strong enough Internet connection You can probably have some of these face to face. Conversations where you can encourage people but But begin small by doing some things in small groups before you try to meet as a large group because you do get into the logistical issues. When you get the bigger group is the more difficult to this to manage on so start small. Okay that’s really good advice. I was talking to a pastor friend of mine yesterday about that very thing. You know. We’re almost you know we don’t have a lot more time here but we’re almost looking at two different Approaches one is is a small group approach. Which is you know I. I’ve heard you beat this drone for years. Terry of one of the reasons we we want you to come to. Our Church in Birmingham is to help us understand how to how to make smog as more viable. Because that’s the heart and soul of Church and so now we’re kind of being forced into again that were forced or strongly encouraged into that but the other the other realm that that’s concerning a lot of pastors okay. But how do we as a church come together and can you do that? Online is our way. Or is it only gonNA be relegated only small groups now and so? I know there’s facebook and everyone’s trying to trying to project their service online Any ideas about that for US chair. Yeah I do have it out. Take this from our church. Our church is a one of the many campuses of Brentwood baptist. Church here in the Nashville area And so we attend the the church at West Franklin and it’s a relatively small congregation. Part of the Brentwood family But what our staff is doing is they’re having daily devotional that recorded daily devotional ‘s of staff members each day are recording a devotion and those via email video message and devotion going out via email to the entire congregation so every morning.
00:20:19 – 00:25:02
A video devotion appears in my inbox. Where I really and and see and now it’s not love It’s recorded but they just send that video it is still linked to to To a video video. And so they uploaded video Put the link in the email and just quicken. It plays and so. That’s that’s what they can do your thing as as we’re doing right now Getting podcast started is very easy especially now. It’s very easy to get a podcast started. And if you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to create a podcast. Our Church has meant that they have two podcasts. Now once just kind of a regular conversation about some you know deeper things related to the study servants that has been going on for a while and then another. They started up in the midst of this situation that we’re at now as an opportunity to have one more touch point but again as an audio message that people can reach the larger congregation And another thing is that There are some technologies out there again using zoom There’s other things out there. There’s one called twenty four sessions. That’s out there and you can actually have what I would call. Cut An office hours It would we do this at Amazon. We have office hours. Where if there’s a new product or new that we’re rolling out darting a will have office hours and one of us who’s in the know gets online and you just. Kinda sit there like you in your office waiting for somebody drop in conversation with you. Okay and you just open it up and say okay. Here’s the link. I’m going to be there. I’m going to be there from eleven to twelve or two to three or six seven. Pick a time. And say we’ll put someone from the staff will be available at this link. Quick delinked you’ll come in and and have a conversation and you can either set that up through twenty four sessions. You can set it up as thirty minute appointments worst one on one conversation or you can have an open room which like you and I have right now. Where there’s someone had too late. They could quake and pop in to the middle of our conversation. So you wouldn’t have necessarily a private one on one conversation. You’d have a multi person conversation but I think people need that assurance that even though we’re separated by distance we’re not separated personally and that could still have that conversation. I know that I missed the conversations with our pastor. He’s from he’s from Hartselle He’s from North Alabama and He’s he’s a great guy and I love the opportunities that have I walked always at the church to stay in the talk to Matt for a minute. Personal interactions and and yeah. He’s a great. He’s a preacher. He’s a great leader but he’s also a great person and sometimes people just want to have a minute with you and we can give people for those minutes Again it doesn’t have to. There’s a lot of There’s a lot of technological hurdles to people who have not used technology before but I’ll be more than happy to make myself available Ridge out Dwayne and and he can connect you with me. I’ll be more than happy to help. Walk you through some of these hurdles you really WanNa do something and you really. WanNa stay connected. Because we don’t know how long this is GonNa last and we don’t and I really appreciate the great ideas. I love the chat idea. I know sometimes when I’m on website little pop up come up in the bottom right hand corner say chat now whenever you have. You have questions and then you can literally chat with a live person. I’m assuming that sort of what you’re talking about with that. I it one more idea that that I use with our coaching students Because I try to do a couple of conversations with them during during a semester of coaching They can schedule for that. I usually you can book dot me. You can boom dot. Mi It’s free and and you you can. You can go on onto the website and say I’m available these times on these days and then people And then you send out Lincoln. They can they can look for themselves and they can put themselves in a time slot or fifteen minute or thirty minute. Whatever you decide that works well too and that way. I love the idea of still being able to interact personally with someone on his staff. Never even thought about doing that but man. We could do that on our team. You get a million idea here. Just have somebody on call somebody on. Congo. It doesn’t have to be burdensome and I think I think we have to. We have to do those things yet. And there’s just a lot of opportunity out there for us to continue to connect with folks. Well thank you for the conversation terrier. Now you get back to work Amazon there.
00:25:02 – 00:30:11
We don’t take away from what you’re doing but man thank you for giving us some time. you are a valuable resource to the church and and and I’m kind of Letting the cat out of the bag here and getting folks no batches so but you gotta work through me. I’m the gate keeper but If YOU WANNA get to. Terry let me know and I’ll see by can help you out a little bit on that. Thank you buddy Thank you for this time until Melinda. We may we may call you a couple of weeks and pick your brain again. Who knows but yeah absolutely and if there’s questions if people if people have questions honestly quite questions and then let’s let’s do a Qa down the road and see if we can help solve some issues. Because I think that No matter what we go back to. It’s probably not gonNA look exactly like book before we came into this I don’t you know we don’t know so a two. We can’t stick our head in the sand to pretend that that technology is going to go away. Once we can open the doors of our churches back up again I think I think we’re there. We’re we’re we’re exactly where I thought we would be. We just got a different way than I thought. I will use strikes and I heard from former pastor Dr Joel Car while I was listening online. Message my wife and I were last week and he said a rubber band is stretched. Never go back quite the same that’s-that’s we’re being stretched and rather than looking at it as a negative. God is in charge. This is his church. And if there’s a stretch happening there’s some good in that. In in bringing this technology to the forefront like like you’re helping us do is gonNA is GonNa work to the good. Yes yeah we’re we’re going to get there You Know God. God’s in control he. He has lost control. And there’s something we’re going to look back at this time in history. Say Man Look at what we get to do. Now how we can reach more people who are outside our geographic areas and there’s a whole lot of possibilities that are out there and we’re just getting warmed up so let’s maintain the conversation. Keep it going. I love ain’t and continue to grow and learn from each other because some of these things I’ve said trump. They don’t work then. Great you know Amazon’s Amazon’s one of our principals is Is is fail and Which means we’re not afraid to trust and things now they don’t they don’t work but that just takes us closer to what will work so. Let’s keep that conversation pointing. We’ll figure it out all right buddy. Thank you Terry. Thanks for the time today. All right man. We’ll talk to you all right.
Hey everybody we are back with this. Next segment of our podcast. And it’ll make so excited to be here with my dear friend Dudley Harris. Dudley and I met over I guess it was in Florence area birth things church but also through this conversation you and I had over. Food somehow relate great friends with great food and great. Let’s with you and thinking that I like this guy who is this you know and that was years ago and we stayed in touch over the years. So welcome friend. Thank you good to be here. Yeah well we Women looking forward to this conversation One of the things that we’re trying to do is is an ex double worship team. One of the main things right now is trying to encourage leaders in churches ’cause we earn a time like we have never seen a not since probably the black plague back in them. What century or something have we seen anything that is down? Churches like this so We’re just looking for places in people that can help encourage so man. We’re looking for you to encourages today. No pressure if we’ve known each other quite a few years now just a No. This is not necessarily the reason for are gathering today but The reason we met years ago as you were introducing pure praise. It was brand new back in those days. And I just wanted you to know that since that time I’ve probably given away seventy five to a hundred copies of that book on three continents. Blessing my brother long before you were ever in Kenya. Your book was there being used by worship leaders and to the back in the early two thousands when I went over there shortly after I got exposed to it and Started taking it up at the Kenya with me. I’ve taken it to Northern Ireland handed out worship leaders there. And it’s a it’s all over the place of course have given it to my teams ear locally and we’ve gone through it and it’s Just a treasure and Julia you are with just most recently.
00:30:11 – 00:35:08
Our church went through worship lives back in Jane. Ardent of the year going to worship life and that really really blessed are folks One of the greatest communists which is was my goal is they said. It’s so neat that we’re all learning the same thing at the same time. And yes that’s what was my goal was to. That’s my goal in worship. I mean the whole point of Ours I’m aware is to bring this to a Rice Unity. And that’s the reason we all sing the same song at the same time. So you know when we all get together in one of cord than can do good things and we’ve seen good results from worship life and I appreciate you may connect- resource available as men a good one. Yeah I appreciate you bringing that up today of with our focus on Africa this everything going on as I have wondered how it went. I’m not had a chance to actually touch the about it so I’m glad to hear things went well without. I appreciate your vision to do it. I know you brought it on the. You’re the worship leader direct worship pastor. Whatever your title is there at First Baptist Church of Rogersville, Alabama? I’m sure you wear multiple hats like so many of us do but I mean I’ll do some administrative stuff there you do okay. I was wondering what else you might But but you know it’s unusual to be honest That that someone other than the pastor has that kind of influence to bring that in. And the pastor pastor clearly have each will trust and. I think that’s really obvious despite seeing how you brought this in and he was open to it and you and you did any took effect within your whole church it went will really do because what what’s Yeah I man. I’m glad to hear that any what happens. Sometimes worship leader person Will bring in which is great but it ends up just primarily being for the Worship Ministry and Worship Life was written for the whole church and so until the passer of the church. The senior lead pastor. Buy into the idea. It doesn’t really ever get to be full church wide so I’m glad that he well glad that a John Martin our our staff on staff with us that he and he worked well with you and got everything set up and and and John kept me abreast on but I didn’t. I’ve not had chance to talk you personally until now John. John visited a couple times and did a great job. Facilitating everything that we had need of on this. It was really good. I pray well I’ll let him know. You said they add in fact he may be list thing in and he heard you say that hymns. I did WANNA bring you on today because you’ve written some materials that I love. I think they’re incredible and I- goodness man. I mean wow. I didn’t I didn’t know you were a rider along with musician administrator. I mean you’re you know do all kinds of stuff and you all knowledge in your head but yet you found time to write these amazing materials so so in an effort to bring to our people some things can encourage them through this unprecedented. We keep hearing that were but it certainly is unprecedented time. I thought about you and materials that that she written I’m looking at one now. Called the name of God and a a non-exhaustive look at an inexhaustible subject love that subtitle by Dudley M Harris. This is a great resource man. What a great daily devotional. I don’t know if you really bought. It would be used that way so much. But I’ve been using it as a sexually. Okay in about just by me. Basically doing similar to what you’ve done over the years just writing down things that I was learning things that I was reading an extra got through with the two hundred and some odd names that are in there. Yes actually make a pretty decent book and I had been. Just blogging it. You know my daily blog and are not frequent blog anyway but the way this came about and I know that was part of what you wanted to talk about today longtime ago When we first came to the shoals area we moved here in ninety eight and at that time there was a group of pastors and other people that were meeting every Tuesday morning for worship and prayer and this was across the board cross-denominational on’s cross racial lines. I mean it was just a really unusual and very Very good time of meeting every Tuesday morning and during a as part of that.
00:35:09 – 00:40:02
They scheduled a prayer retreat. We went down to double springs near Double Springs. Down to Camp McDowell and about twenty of US went down there and spent two or three days together. Just reading the word and praying and we’ll McFarland happened to be one of the guys that was their camp and wills gaff with from the show. Mary isn’t he yeah he he lives here. He’s not from he’d been here forever off one day while we were there in the retreat. He started talking about something that I really had not heard in that term anyway and that was our language of worship and he started describing the relationship for insist between husband and wives. What if the only name you ever used for your wife? My Wife’s name is Martha Martha was the only name I ever used for her. Martha how are you today? Martha Martha Are you hungry market. Which liked to go to you know? Would you like to go with me to the Grocery Martha Martha Martha Martha is her name in. It’s a wonderful name but it doesn’t always communicate what we want to say. Sometimes I WANNA call her sweetie or sugar or honey or whatever cutie pie I mean. There’s there’s other things other ways that I communicate with her and want to communicate with her other than Martha and he said in as he was describing this he said you know the name. Jesus is wonderful. It’s a great name. The name God is Supreme. But there’s so many other ways that we can express that conveys who he is to us in that moment or in our life or whatever and he just said we need to expand our language of worship fears later out went up to a conference up in Massachusetts Not Massachusetts Pennsylvania. The northeast worshiped institute and I picked it mainly because my wife and I wanted to go to New York so I looked for operas close by. I mean that’s how it got there was. It was not a great spiritual pilgrimage or anything like that. It just was we. Were looking to go to New York and it was a way to get most expensive pay. So we went up to Fareless hills Pennsylvania to a thing called and one of the keynote speakers. There was Dr David Ireland. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of him. He pasture a pretty large To New Jersey and I don’t know in his. His topic was basically on this. The language of worship. He did a three message series through the week and also during one of his messages ref referred us to a set of books. These books right here. There’s actually six volumes of this thing. And they’re not. This is written by guy by the name of Carl F. A. Chinnery and in it he describes God the revelation of God and the Authority of God and David. Arlen made this required reading for his worship team. They had to spend at least a couple of hours a week. Read just reading through an all it is is describing the character and nature of God so when I got back home from that I was that was Inspired I guess or or motivated anyway and so I approached are bracing. I said let’s expand our vocabulary. I want by the next couple of weeks as we gather together for worship practice. I want you to bring names that you run across in scripture or that you’ve heard referred to names us toward God and quickly. The list grew to three hundred plus and found later. There’s a whole much more that even we didn’t discover at that time but basically that’s where this came from as I started taking those names and looking at the scripture where the name is referenced and then just describing what the Greek or Hebrew word means and then how that applies to our live. And that’s that’s the reason.
00:40:02 – 00:45:01
This book is around It Wa- as they worship Devotional but that’s kind of well came what I what I do with it. It’s an it’s an addition to my quiet time. I’ll I’ll read it because it takes only a few minutes but it’s thought provoking and it helps me focus on a name. I love how you take them out the medical you know and so as to the beach to the season you cover a man and so Yeah IT FOR ME I. It’s really a powerful addition to on. I’m already doing Go through I’m going to the book of Romans and I’ll journal through time which is Great. You know my thoughts were we mean the Lord now read commentaries sometimes but but what you do is bring in for me brings a an mentioned into that and make sure I stay fresh. I think I think it’s also healthy to read. Osama Day or do well for me lately. I’ve been reading your book and helping me so I would recommend that one Tell us about you. You have a couple of other books too. Well I do I do. There’s can I mentioned just before we get off of that. Can I mention just one more thing just please? There’s plenty of a buck bounce. So whatever you want or by are the favourite name that I came across this one that was I was already familiar with but when I found the context of how this name came about it. Just absolutely bless me. And it’s the name When God came to Moses as he was in the process of bringing the Hebrew job or an out of Egypt became Moses. Said up till now. You’ve known me as your way you’ve known me. And your forefathers Abraham Isaac and Jake. They all knew me. As y’all way there’s another name that I want to reveal to you because you need to know me in a different way you need to know me more intimately than what you only at this hour of that. Yeah my name is and I just blew me away that God would have us a name that he would share with the people that only they knew he said up until now people have Nonni as this but today you now me as well yes. That’s very spiritual growth The more we get to know him. That’s how spiritually and and and and I think we’ve arrived. We don’t know that we already know everything. That’s a sad state Lord is revealing himself to us. And that’s a great example. I remember reading the word the name at an eye on your study back and went back to it now. I’m looking at it. You said God showed Moses and threw him Israel. This is what you wrote Israel. All of the Gods showed all God’s goodness and proclaimed his name at an I before then God was saying to them. I am sovereign I m ward. A sovereign is a supreme leader monarchy. It is the king. GotTa saying that in his kingdom. He is chemo here. what a fresh message for us in the H. Thank you one of your recent posts about your work in Ethiopia. This last trip. Was you know some of the leaders were talking about the need for worship leaders to to have a biblical understanding of God and a scriptural understanding that that is so so important? That’s again a lot of the motivation behind a lot of things that I right now. What what a great. What a great resource and I. I hope to share this with our team in and get the word out about it. ’cause it’s important. I mean memorizing scripture and nobody way to get to know God than go to his word and no better way to get no God than to get to know his name’s law and that’s GONNA lead us to worship the more. We know him the more we respond hopefully in worship and so that’s that’s a great resource man. Thank you the one one other comment that I’ll make before Mitch and the other books My wife is a counselor. And she’s a Christian counselor. She’s a pastoral counselor by my certificate. That’s what her diploma. Wall says but not everyone has the same doctrinal beliefs. And and that’s okay too. You know as to some degree but when people mentioned things that are purely based in doctrine she never tries to correct that you know.
00:45:01 – 00:50:01
She’s not oh no no. You can’t take the way for then the juice you have to take the Jews than the I mean right that some of that stuff. We get so tangled up over and she doesn’t worry about that stuff with the the the minute she draws the line is when they start speaking wrongly about who god is and we should. Yeah when they start saying God is Blah Blah Blah. She’s like no hang on. I’m sorry but now that is not right and the other thing that I that really stands out as did the study on the names is the commandment that says do not take the name of the Lord. Your God in vain at my mom had always told me that was cussing. You’re not supposed cuss hit you your you don’t say. Jesus it’s cuss it. It comes you’re taking it in vain and and by the way I chose library line example you know you know what some of the others can be but what I learned as I really. that verse that says do not take the name of the Lord. You’re God in Maine. What the Hebrew literally says is do not speak wrongly about God. That’s taking his name in vain. It’s not using the name Jesus or God or you know whatever in non appropriate moments. It’s speaking wrongly about who he is and he said you cannot do as one of the Commandments. The big ten. So that’s another reason. Why I I did the book I really enjoyed it. I’m actually kind of working through volume two but not officially just kind of as I have time but a couple years ago I had already published some items have gone and I was just looking for something right. I really was I. I have to have a project. I can’t just sit down and just write free form. I do that sometimes on my blog but I had come across a set of notes that I had put together when I was looking at developing some courses that we’re GONNA be offered at Church that I served at re previous to the one. I’m at now. We have a school that was operating and I was GONNA put together a couple of worship courses and so I saw that icon. Sit on my desktop. I just clicked. It opened it started reading through there. And I’m like you know that. Make a great book. And so that’s when I started riding and I came up with A trilogy of books actually. There’s three of them. We have three of them. Yes I thought the call to worship. Okay edits the life of every believer. Every person that is born again is called to worship not to the Ministry of worship but to worship. We’re calling you. You sent me that an an and before I moved and new are was actually read through that very very good well written and good resource will. It’s it’s a very it’s it’s not musical in nature if you don’t have to be a musician or singer some things from this calls if you’re a Christian you’re you are worse. In the way I describe it is worship is simply our relationship with the father. That’s what worship is. I’m an whether you’re being whether you’re playing whether even in church it doesn’t matter you worship curse all the time not just when we’re at the building and anyway that was just a just an encouragement folks to really get to know who got is and the second is more of the. I guess. Bits and bytes of worship call it the school of worship. And it’s kind of a history of how we got to here in our Modern Day. Twenty first century worshiped. You know it wasn’t always like this Jesus and the apostles sit around on their keyboard and drum drum kit at horns employees music matter of fact there were very few instruments if any that were actually being used at that time in writing first while the synagogues but then also in the early church there was there not a lot of talk of instrumentation. Some have taken that to mean that we’re not supposed to use instruments and I. I don’t believe that I think it was just part of their tradition at the time. And there’s a lot of reasons for that but anyway but it’s kind of how we got here and what really constitutes worship Well I like to see an.
00:50:01 – 00:55:00
I haven’t seen that yet. I’ll send you one of these or if I hadn’t already. It is probably in a box somewhere it may be in about. You may have sensitivity. Did I don’t know I’m still unpacking it so creative? If you if you don’t come across Al Said No this. Of course you know the our favorite verse that we go to a lot is we must worship God in spirit and in truth and this kind of helps us understand what is spirit and what is truth. And that’s that’s the reason for that one and then the last one. I just released this back in the fall of nineteen. It’s called the wonder in the Wilderness and one morning. I woke up singing the song I wonder as I wander out under the sky and felt that make a great book and so I started looking at another probably ten or twelve different people that I study In scripture and look at first of all how they wound up in a wilderness and then also what the and in every instance they got into a wilderness because they were wondering are not really paying attention to where they were when they were just walking around and suddenly they realize where am I. What am I doing here? And how do I get back to where I WANNA BE? And in every instance that I could fine all they did was change one letter. They changed their wondering to wondering w Owen. Dr There is a whole the dirt and got them Omar Female and sometimes their location didn’t actually change. Sometimes they stayed on the same dirt that they were standing on but now that dirt had purpose. They went from wandering too wondering. I’ve never thought of that. It’s is just simply a state of mind and I mean Paul encourages to do that. He’s a set your mind on things above not. I don’t think I need you. There’s all versus that that you can look to to that but that was the general idea and as I was looking around in these last couple of weeks. A lot of folks that have found themselves in a wilderness right. Now you’re right. It was not in you know. They didn’t even go anywhere. Some of them are still sitting in the same chair. They were sitting in three weeks ago. But now the wilderness. Because you know what to do or how to go about doing and we’ve got to change our wondering back to one bro. I love that I would love to Also I have to check that out tilt tilt tell us where we can get these materials all these offshore. These are available Amazon. They’re available both in printed copy and also Kendall okay up on Amazon. Just type Dudley. I’m and they’ll pop up They’re they’re not too expensive. I mean I’ve got him pry. You know pretty pretty reasonable. I think and if it’s too much email me thin and I’ll send you one. Okay the The money is not your heart but I mean well but you it costs you money and have them printed so we for that does not you know. I’m I’m more interested in getting the message out and just being an encouragement votes but yeah you can find them on Amazon if your local here to the shows area of North Alabama. I have some copies on hand as well. I’ll be glad to drop. Okay if somebody just reach out all right well thank you for joining us today. This has been very very encouraging. I do want to encourage our listeners onto checkout Dudley’s materials and Then he’s he’s out there doing ministry. He’s got a family. He’s got a fulltime job. He’s a fulltime guy and He just yeah. I’m just really thankful to know you and glad that we got some time today to to hear about what you’re doing the certainly mutual wine. I really appreciate all that you’re doing. Now I’ve been over to those parts of the world and it’s It’s a different place it really is. It is and The Lord is doing some incredible couple things in different parts of the world. And so we’re just glad to get to be a little a little part of that you know and well. Hey let me pray for you and pray over your ministry and then then we’ll say goodbye to this moment but hopefully have you back on some other time father. Thank you so much for Dudley. Thank you Lord.
00:55:00 – 00:56:25
Family is his wife and thank you for his church Got Blessed to have him there. First Baptist Rogersville and thank you for the investment of time he’s put into these materials and resources Help us to take advantage of those and being encouraged to him by using these materials but also Getting curse ourselves and share them with our team churches. Thank you guys like Dudley that I wanNA teach us about true biblical worship and we appreciate. That has a hard to do that. And I think there’s such a famine of that now on understanding but Lord we are in the midst of a very difficult time in our nation and in our world and help us to go from wondering from wandering to wondering what a concept leave the wandering for why this might miss my continue for several weeks if not months but in the midst of it not lose sight of a guy that’s in charge of rain deadly heart is is west. We thank you for long for the God who’s in charge and we trust in practice and your name came in. Thank you buddy. Good bless you in your endeavors.
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