Several great options
1. Global Worship Retreat
ReFOCUS Global Retreat is our international event held virtually in February each year.
2. Regional Conferences
Next Level Worship conferences are hosted by an area church. Other local churches are invited to attend.
Regional Conferences
ReNEW Conferences are regional conferences in the US that are hosted by a local church or by a group or association of churches.
- These conferences can focus on leadership, prayer or worship, or on a combination of those topics.
- They are for worship teams, prayer teams, and elders and church leaders.
- ReNEW Conferences are usually one day or one and a half days in length. They can be held on a Friday-Saturday or over 2-3 weekday evenings.
- The teaching team usually consists of Dwayne Moore and a team of 2-3 others from NLW.
- The local church or churches that host(s) ReNEW Conferences are responsible to cover expenses for the NLW team.
3. Local Church Events
Prayer, worship or leadership training events are custom-tailored for each church and hosted by the church.
Local church events
Local Church Events are customized for a church’s particular needs and vision for the event. Dwayne and our team love doing events in local churches!
- Local church events can be prayer workshops, worship weekends, leadership retreats, worship team training events or one-day revivals. These might be one day in length or they could as much as a week in length, depending on what the event is and what the church needs.
- Dwayne Moore has a limited number of Sundays and weekends and weekdays he can come to local churches each year. His calendar is usually booked 6-9 months in advance. You can go HERE to read more about Dwayne and the topics he can speak on.
- The local church or churches that host(s) Dwayne and/or other NLW members are responsible to cover expenses for the NLW team and do a love offering/honorarium for the event.
4. ReVive Worship Retreats
An immersive and proven experience for worship teams to revive their passion for leading worship
Register NOW for ReFOCUS One-Day! Go here to register.
- +1-877-699-3226
- PO Box 1880 Hartselle, AL 35640
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