What are “Choice Resources”?
In a sentence, Choice Resources are selected resources which enhance corporate and/or personal worship.
Our NLW team selects resources each year to award and feature on our site. These awarded resources are not our own resources. They are from other authors and developers.
Three Criteria for Awards
Worship theology: Choice Resources instruct and/or encourage worship from the inside out (because we believe worship is inward, upward and outward).
Excellence: Choice Resources are exceptional in their quality and content.
Value: Choice Resources 1) bring much educational, inspirational and/or leadership help to an individual or team, and 2) have benefits which clearly outweigh the cost.

Worship Essentials overviews 4 vital values needed for any worship ministry to thrive. It is an amazing resource for pastors, worship pastors and church leaders.

Called to Worship is one of the most comprehensive and accessible studies on worship that has been written. If you can only read one book to help you grasp what worship is, read this!

Worship Matters almost perfectly blends the theology of worship with the practice of leading others in worship. Read it grow personally and to grow your team and church.

Multitracks is a leading source of multi-tracks for churches. Reasonably priced with tons of popular praise songs, this site is a great resource to help praise bands & leaders.

Aaron Keyes’ latest collection of songs are filled with Scripture. Recorded live, this project is both singable for a congregation and educational, teaching and admonishing one another with spiritual songs.

ZJC Worship offers many courses for musicians and worship leaders, from guitar to keyboard to vocal and leadership training. This site is chugged full of great help at affordable prices.
Know a great resource? Recommend it!
Please send us your recommendations for other great resources that have helped you. They can be books, videos, apps, tech equipment, online courses, blogs, websites, conferences, podcasts, missional events and programs, etc. Complete the form here to submit your recommendations.