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Staying Fresh and Green Audio Teaching
Nobody likes stale food. Likewise, God prefers his children to be fresh and growing. Unfortunately, the pressures and routines of life can cause us to become stale, cold and crusty
Your Prayers Are Working!
Ok, who’s been praying out there? Clearly somebody has been interceding for us and knocking on the door of heaven about our recent prayer need. As we shared in an earlier pos
Charles Billingsley to Write a Foreword for Pure Praise!
My good friend, Charles Billingsley, has graciously consented to write a foreword for my forth-coming worship study, Pure Praise! (Group Publishing, release date: December, 2008) I
Safe at Home OKC Sees Over 200 Decisions for Christ!
In the midst of so much depressing and shocking news (like teenage girls beating up another teenager!), I thought you would like to hear some amazing and awesome news! My friend,
Books We Recommend Page Added!
We are excited to announce a much-needed new resource on our website! On our Books We Recommend page you will find lots of great books that our team has personally read and enjoy
Three Renown Leaders on Worship Consider Pure Praise!
Attention all prayer partners! We need you to join us as we claim Matthew 7:7 this week regarding our worship study, Pure Praise, which is being published this coming December! Thr
Spiritual Growth Topics at National Worship Leader Conference
Our ministry, Next Level Worship, is sponsoring the Spiritual Growth Track at the National Worship Leader Conference this coming July in Austin, TX. Our team considers this an ho
Hidden Away Working on Final Edits!
Dear friends, Sorry I’ve not posted anything in the past few days. I’ve been hidden away in the hills of Tennessee going back through every week of the worship study.