Camila Cabello sings to her dad at the Grammys
By Dwayne Moore
Camila Cabello’s performance at the 2020 Grammys wrecked me. In case you missed it, while singing, Cabello came down from the stage to her father who was sitting on the front row. As she sang, pictures of her childhood appeared on screen behind her. Her father appeared to cry as she sang to him. In a powerfully clinching moment, they hugged after the song.
I’m sure that performance struck an emotional chord with viewers. For many, her song may have reminded them of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna, who died in a helicopter crash Sunday.
But for me, it demonstrated the vital role dads can play in a healthy relationship with their children. More than that, it was an awesome reminder of God’s relationship with us as our Father…
Our Heavenly Father
The supreme revelation of God in the Bible is that he is first of all a Father and that he is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:14 tells us: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Did you catch those last words? The Father is full of grace and truth. God’s love is unconditional. He wants us to be his children, so much so that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to die in our stead. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1a).
As our heavenly Father, God is our boss, whom we are to obey and follow. But unlike human bosses, our Father wants only what’s best for us. We don’t have to perform and work hard to make him accept us. He loves us just as we are. He is pleased with us simply because we are his children. And when we do wrong, he doesn’t get rid of us. Instead, he lovingly disciplines us to make us more like Jesus.
As our teacher, God the Father gently and patiently instructs us through the Holy Spirit. But God’s purpose in teaching us is not so we’ll ace some pop quiz. Rather, it’s so we’ll know how to live for his glory. And if we fail a test or if we’re not as bright and quick to catch on as others, it doesn’t mean we are less favored in God’s sight. Every one of God’s children is his favorite!
A relationship with a boss can be severed. As quickly as someone can hand you a termination slip, you are out the door, never to return. A relationship with a teacher can run its course and come to an end, and you may never see that teacher again. But a relationship with your Father—now that’s permanent; that’s forever.
Do yourself a favor. Stop now and read Jesus’ powerful words in John 10:27-30. It’s about our relationship with him and his Father. Then read them again. Let this phenomenal and freeing truth sink into your soul.
I am so incredibly thankful that the God of the Bible, the true and living God, is first and foremost my Father, aren’t you?
Excerpt from Heaven’s Praise: Hearing God Say Well Done by Dwayne Moore. Used by permission.

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Jane Chama
This is so powerful and very inspiring, what a powerful word. Thanks for sharing.