How to Get What You Want in Ministry
How to Get What You Want in Ministry By Dwayne Moore “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Fathe
Theology Shaping Worship: God Is Sovereign
By Savannah Cone [Editor’s Note: This is the next article in a series for our blog called “Theology Shaping Worship”, which has previously been featured in our weekly Monday
Theology Shaping Worship: God Is Omnipresent
By Savannah Cone [Editor’s Note: This is the next article in a series for our blog called “Theology Shaping Worship”, which has previously been featured in our weekly Monday
Prayer and Worship
By dwayne moore, founder and president of NLWI I have a friend named Donald who is a pastor. (Donald is also the Africa Director for Next Level Worship International.) He lives in
The Benefits of Abiding in Christ
By linda sheha, Zimbabwe Director for NLWI John 15: 1 – 415 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fr
Theology Shaping Worship: God Is Worthy
By Savannah Cone [Editor’s Note: This is the next article in a series for our blog called “Theology Shaping Worship”, which has previously been featured in our weekly Monday
A Case For Community
By James Damey, US Director of Ministries for NLWI It was in the latter part of the summer of 2012 when I found myself needing a friend to talk too. Not just a friendly person, but
The Secret Power of Kindness
Best-selling author, speaker, pastor, coach and consultant Greg Atkinson has just released a new book about kindness. In The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Cap
Staff Spotlight – James Damey
US Director of Ministries for next level worship international By Savannah Cone James Damey has been leading worship for 26 years. About five years into his ministry he led his tea
A Founder’s Heart
Curious about Next Level Worship International and its Founder? This is an exclusive interview with NLWI’s very own Founder – Dwayne Moore. What led you to this speci