we believe...


he Bible is the infallible Word of God; that it is His holy and inspired Word; and that it is the supreme and final authority in doctrine and practice.


n one God, existing in three persons — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.


ll men are lost and face the righteous judgment of God and need to receive Jesus Christ into their lives by faith and repentance through His shed blood upon the cross.


hrist rose from the dead and is coming again.


n the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life.


orship is loving God with all we are and have. We express our worship not only through our upward, demonstrative praise but also through inward purity and outward concern for others.


od is not necessarily concerned with the style of music with which we choose to praise Him. However, He wants to see that we are sensitive to the preferences of others during corporate worship times. Most importantly, the substance of our songs and testimonies must be founded on and in agreement with the holy Word of God.


hristians from every nation are called and equally loved by God and that churches and Christian leaders in emerging countries and regions should also have access to quality opportunities for training and help.

Common C.O.R.E.

Common C.O.R.E. pertains to the values of our global community. These are things we have in common and hold to be important among our community at NLWI.


  • Worship is whole-life and should be our lifestyle (inward, upward and outward).
  • Worship leaders must first be worshipers.
  • Discipleship is intentional and relational. (It doesn’t just happen.)


  • Grow together in worship.
  • Grow together in leadership.
  • Grow together in friendship.

Responsibilities (for NLW Mentors)

  • Connect at least 2 times per month for 6 months.
  • Pray weekly for your mentored leader.
  • Complete a book or Bible study together.


  • Experience in leading people.
  • Experience in leading worship.
  • Experience in following Jesus.