Episode 003: Santa & Parenting, Joy & Celebration (Podcast)
In this week’s episode of The Heart of Worship Podcast, Dwayne & Stephen talk about whether parents should teach their kids about Santa Claus. They share funny stories ab
Episode 002: Kanye West, Coffee, Worship Ministry & Never Quitting (Podcast)
In this week’s episode of The Heart of Worship Podcast, Dwayne & Stephen discuss Kanye West’s sudden influence rise in among Christians, and the importance of discipleship befo
Impact Profile: Timothy Simwanza
Name: Timothy Simwanza Country: Zambia Africa Role: Worship Leader Timothy’s Story My name is Timothy Simwanza, a worship leader at a local church called Ebenezer Worship Cen
A Christmas Wrapped in Praise (repost)
By Dwayne Moore Let’s start with a question: What is the one thing God made sure Jesus got the best of when He first came to earth? Was it our riches? No, He was born in a stall
Impact Profile: Mike Sooy
Name: Mike Sooy Age: 43 Country: USA Role: Worship Arts Leader Mike’s Story Meet Michael, a worship arts leader from the United States. Michael came to us by way of a worship
Thankful in Every Circumstance
by Dwayne Moore Hebrews 13:15 encourages us to “continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name” (NKJV). Praise is p
Episode 001: 2020 Grammy Nominations, Staying Relevant & Time Management (Podcast)
In this week’s inaugural episode of The Heart of Worship Podcast, Dwayne & Stephen discuss the recent Grammy nominations and artists for 2020, and why it’s important for Christ
Announcing our 2019 Choice Resource Award Winners!
We are excited to announce our Choice Resource Award winners for this year! These have been selected by our NLW Community because of their strong worship theology, excellence and v
NLW LIFE (Campus Groups)
Description NLW LIFE is an on-campus group comprised of Christians from various backgrounds and majors who want to worship God in every aspect of our lives. We encourage each other
Album Review: Yet Not I by CityAlight
Yet Not I, CityAlight’s third album, has received a Choice Resource Award from NLW International. Below is a review of this EP by Dawn Kelley, Director of Community Dev