Africa Mission Trip ’23
An Update on our week in Uganda
By Dwayne Moore
Our Africa Mission Trip ’23 is going incredibly well thus far – and we’re only half-way through! As you may know, on this trip we are working in two countries: We were in Uganda this past week, and we will begin in Zimbabwe this Sunday where we will conduct an Intensive School and more Worship Bible Schools in surrounding villages.
In Uganda, we brought in a team of 13 US and International NLW members, in addition to our NLW Uganda team. Here are a few stats from our time there:
- We taught more than 1,500 children about the gospel and worship through our Worship Bible Schools
- We taught close to 1,000 worship leaders, pastors and layman about worship and leadership
- We trained over 250 children’s workers
As we continue our Africa Mission Trip, we would greatly appreciate your prayers for our team and the rest of our trip. Here are some prayer requests:
Please pray for our Uganda team as they head home to the US and other countries later this week. And pray for our NLW staff members, Donald Kutala, Joyce Wenger, and me, as we travel from Uganda over to Zimbabwe for our next mission.
Next week we will lead an Intensive School in the capital of Zimbabwe. We have a full house of 120 worship leaders, pastors and children’s workers. They are traveling from several parts of Zimbabwe and from several other countries to attend this week-long, life-changing week of training. We will house them, feed them and give them first rate materials and teaching. We will treat these church leaders like royalty, loving on them and making them feel cared for and encouraged. Intensive Schools are one of our most powerful ministry events. These leaders will go back into their churches and share what they learn, and it will impact their churches in deep and lasting ways. Please pray for the LORD to use our NLW team greatly next week for His glory!
We still haven’t raised all the money we need to cover the costs of the Intensive School. Please join us in praying for sponsors to help with the expense of the meals and housing and materials. While these schools are one of the most impactful things we do, they are also one of the most expensive things we do. If you or your church feels led to help, you can give at nextlevelworship.com/donate.
Please pray for our families while we are away from them for several weeks in Africa. We are beyond blessed to have spouses and children who believe in what we do. They are patient and supportive of our travels, but it can hard on them (and us!) when we’re gone for so long.
Please take 3 minutes and watch this recap video to see amazing testimonials from our time in Uganda.
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