A Founder’s Heart
Curious about Next Level Worship International and its Founder? This is an exclusive interview with NLWI’s very own Founder – Dwayne Moore.
What led you to this specific ministry of training others in worship growth/leadership?
I have worked in the local church since I was a teenager. I have also traveled extensively in evangelism, having been in over 1,000 churches during my ministry. I have led hundreds of thousands in vertical worship. It is my passion to see the nations know God and worship Him in spirit and truth.
I am of the strong conviction that if people are taught the biblical truth about worshiping God, that truth can set them free.
What part of this ministry do you find most fulfilling?
Hands down, it’s seeing people grow in their faith and callings. It’s helping leaders become more effective and more secure in who God made them to be.
Do you have a specific memory that was a lightbulb moment or one that you reflect on often?
It was on a return flight from a trip to Zambia, Africa that I was overcome with the question, “how can I help these leaders?” Then the simple idea came to me – connect US worship leaders with African worship leaders. Imagine US leaders sponsoring leaders, providing them with resources and building friendships with them over time.
The thought of leaders helping leaders immediately arrested me. That’s a biblical idea! Even Jesus didn’t try to teach every person himself; he poured into a few reliable men who then trained many others. Paul did the same thing in his ministry. In fact, he told Timothy, “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2 NLT, italics added). This is how we kicked off our sponsorship program, then leading to starting up our Intensive School programs as well.
When did you start Next Level Worship?
We started NLW as a for-profit LLC in 2008. We dissolved it in 2016 and formed a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation with the new name of Next Level Worship International.
How many countries (and possibly leaders?) have you reached through this ministry?
We presently have team members and ambassadors in 20 countries on 4 continents. We have trained over 30,000 pastors, worship leaders and children’s workers. In addition, our materials have been utilized in 80 countries and our weekly TV teaching program has reached more than six million in Asia.
What are the most significant needs your organization has to fulfill its own mission?
Like so many organizations, funding is a constant concern. We certainly don’t lack in vision or in opportunities and invitations from church leaders in various countries. Discipling and training leaders is not always as inspiring to donors as, say, evangelism or orphan care. We know God has called us to this unique and greatly needed mission, and we trust Him to provide. But still, we realize raising support will always require much faith and tenacity on our part.
“Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.” (Psalm 96:3) For NLWI, this is more than an exhortation; it’s a calling and command.
Is there a specific way that your life has been enriched through missions?
Almost everything has changed for my wife and me because of this call to non-profit ministry (which includes missions). Our location, our job (left a comfortable, full-time church job to step out in faith), our livelihood, our job security, even many of our close friends–all have changed since answering this call. Has it all been pleasant and exciting? No. There have been and continue to be great challenges that accompany this call. However, we have been beyond blessed and greatly enriched in our faith and walk with God, as we’ve learned more and more to lean on Him for our every need.
Is there a particular strength or collection of strengths needed to be an effective missionary?
- People skills are vital in meeting new people and gaining their trust.
- Flexibility is a must in mission work. Almost nothing works out exactly as you think or plan.
- Bold faith in God is necessary, not only to please Him, but also to follow Him into the scary unknown.
- The ability to work as a team cannot be overstated. One must learn to gather people around him or her, to work together to accomplish what might otherwise be impossible for the Kingdom
Do you have any advice for someone who feels called to mission work but is afraid of taking that step?
Be 100% certain you are called. If you can be at peace doing anything else, do it. But if/when you are sure, then launch out into the deep. Take the plunge; burn the bridges. Don’t look back, and don’t have a back-up plan. Go forward in full faith knowing your Father can and will sustain you in every circumstance. Remember, the will of God will never lead you where the grace of God can’t keep you.
Dwayne Moore is a best-selling author and a sought-after, international speaker. He’s the founder and president of NLW International, Inc., a ministry committed to providing quality worship discipleship resources to believers and churches.
Dwayne has written many books, including the award-winning book, Pure Praise: A Heart-focused Bible Study on Worship. His latest resources are HE. WE. THEY. The Life-Altering Formula of the Lord’s Prayer and HE. WE. THEY. A Church-wide Prayer Campaign. Other books include Creating Space, Pure Praise for Youth (foreword by Mark Hall of Casting Crowns), Heaven’s Praise: Hearing God Say Well Done, WorshipLife Journal, Building Strong Worship Leaders, and the church-wide campaign, WorshipLife: Honoring God in the Everyday .
Dwayne lives in north Alabama and is happily married to Sonia. They have 2 sons, Stephen and Justin.
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