187 Professions of Faith During Our “Drive-thru Christmas†Production!
187 Professions of Faith During Our “Drive-thru Christmas” Production!
The Lord honored our efforts and months of planning for Drive-thru Christmas at Valley View Church. Nearly 5000 people drove through our 4-day outdoor production. Of those, 187 trusted Christ as Savior! And 4 have been saved since the event from follow-up visits in homes–with more expected in the days to come. [pullquote]Nearly 5000 people drove through our 4-day outdoor production. Of those, 187 trusted Christ as Savior! And 4 have been saved since the event from follow-up visits in homes.[/pullquote]
This was our second year to do Drive-thru Christmas at Valley View. DTC, as we call it, isn’t just a phenomenal evangelistic event; it also brings our church family together like nothing else we do. Our 500+ volunteers invest many hours together, working side-by-side to accomplish something huge for the Kingdom and for our church. Electricians, painters, construction workers, cooks, greeters, actors, artists, traffic directors and prayer warriors–there is an important and necessary role for every person to play.
One of the most powerful internal benefits of Drive-thru Christmas is how it involves so many of our students and young adults. How much they enjoy it is evidenced by how often they post pictures and comments on social media before and during the event.
Watch this drone video of our Drive-thru Christmas!
Imagine Drive-thru Christmas at Your Church!
Drive-thru Christmas isn’t just for “big churches” to do.[pullquote]Drive-thru Christmas isn’t just for “big churches” to do.[/pullquote] I’ve done DTC in a church of 200 and a church of 2000, and it was incredibly successful in both places! If they are willing to get creative and think outside the box, I’m convinced almost any size church could pull this off!
Here’s a quick check-list to help you know whether your church could do this amazing out-door event:
- It takes a minimum of 200 adults and teenagers to do this event–100 for cast and 100 for support. Do you have that many in your church? If not, you could partner with a neighboring church to do DTC.
- It takes a large parking lot (15-20 acres) to do this event. Do you have that much paved or graveled space? If not, you could do DTC in a vacant grocery store lot or at a partnering church’s parking lot.
- It takes a financial commitment of $10,000 or more for up-front costs. Is your church willing/able to budget that much? We recommend you offer DTC as a free “gift” to your community; however, you might get private donations or receive a love offering during the event, to help recoup costs.
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